Dear students,

I am delighted to introduce and warmly welcome you to the department of automobile. Opportunity in the automobile industry seems nearly endless. However, two key trends are set to further push the automotive industry forward in the long run, electrification and connectivity. These trends are mainly driven by policy changes and technology.

The automotive industry comprises a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design, development, manufacturing, marketing, and selling of motor vehicles. It is one of the world's largest industries by revenue. Two wheelers and passenger cars accounted for 80.8% and 12.9% market share, respectively, accounting for a combined sale of over 20.1 million vehicles in FY20. EV sales, excluding E-rickshaws, in India witnessed a growth of 20% and reached 1.56 lakh units in FY20 driven by two wheelers.

We are producing top rank students every year and our students have been placed in top MNC’s such as Caterpillar, Hyundai, TVS, TI, Daimler etc.

Automobile department is the right and best choice for those who want to secure a better career in automotive field especially in electrical vehicle field which is growing faster producing enormous job opportunity in the future.